1. Intro 

1.1. Synopsis 

1.1.1. Usage 

metabuild [options] meta_module_conf_file


metabuild -v emacs.conf

1.1.2. Info 

metabuild - download and build meta modules automatically

1.1.3. Source 





1.1.5. Support 

For support, post in the Wolvix, GoblinX or Slax forum, or at https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=204283&atid=988992 .

1.2. What it is 

The metabuild script is a simple shell script that creates a LZMA

compressed module (.lzm) from a list of Slackware packages (.tgz). The idea of the script is to use the ready-built tgz packages in any Slackware package repository).

It also makes it simpler to host and share user-contributed meta modules, as it is only a few bytes in size and can be easily attached or posted on websites, forums, blogs, etc.

2. How to use it 

2.1. The metabuild script 

metabuild $ $Revision: 1.3 $

metabuild - download and build customized lzm modules automatically.

 Usage: metabuild [options] meta_module_conf_file


 cat ~/.metabuild.ini
 metabuild -v --update
 metabuild -v emacs.conf

Source options:

  -m, --mirror=url   slackware mirror (eg http://slackware.osuosl.org/)
  -r, --release=n    slackware release (eg, slackware-12.1) (mandatory)
  -c, --cache=dir    cache directory to store downloaded slackware packages
                       (default=`.') (mandatory)
  -t, --type=rep     repository type (tgz/lzm).  (default=`tgz')

Download options:

      --download     only download slackware packages to cache, no build.
                       (toggle)  (default=off)
      --no-download  do not download, use files from cache instead. (toggle)
  -u, --update       update package list of the given release

Build options:

  -d, --dest=dir     destiantion directory that store built lzm modules
      --tag=id       tag used to build meta package name
      --name=id      overwrite the built meta package name with this
                       otherwise, the meta package name will be constructed as
      --cleanup      cleanup the intermediate work dir after build

Other options:

  -v, --verbose      be verbose, show commands run
  -n, --no-exec      no execution, only show commands to run

2.2. How it works 

The script simply downloads (wget) all the packages in the list specified in the meta_module_conf_file file, installs them to a build directory (ROOT=) and generates a LZMA module from the build with the installed packages. (dir2lzm)

2.3. The building environment 

You can set site-wise defaults without specifying the command line options by editing the metabuild.ini file installed with the package. Or, you can overwrite the site-wise default within the ~/.metabuild.ini file.

Here is my building environment:

 $ cat ~/.metabuild.ini

 # -*- shell-script -*-

 _opt_mirror=http://gulus.usherbrooke.ca/. . ./slackware/


Please choose a slackware mirror that is close to you.

After initializing your own building environment, you need to download the packages list for your specific slackware release:

metabuild -v --update

Now you are ready to build the meta modules.

Warning You MUST complete this step before building any meta modules.

2.4. The .conf file 

Here's a short guide on how to create your own MetaModule .conf file:

Take a look at the sample tcl-tk.conf file:

# list package(s) for the module line by line in PKGLIST


Make sure you only specify one package per line, and it can uniquely identify the package you want.

Optionally, you can add the MODNAME, MODVERS variables in the .conf file.



That's it. You can now run the script with the command:

metabuild -v /path/to/tcl-tk.conf

Once the script is done, you should find the module in your "_opt_dest" directory. With the above settings, it is:

* Module: tcl-tk-slackware-11.0.lzm
* Output: mods/tcl-tk-slackware-11.0.lzm
  • If you do not specify the 'MODNAME' (or 'MODVERS') in the conf file, it will be constructed from the name of the conf file, and the '$_opt_release' variable, as shown above, from 'tcl-tk.conf' to 'tcl-tk-slackware-11.0.lzm'.

  • To make sure that the packages are installed in a certain order, as this might be required for some combinations of packages, just order the packages in the package list.

  • You may run out of RAM pretty quickly if it is run from inside the 'live filesystem', depending on how much RAM your system has and how large the packages are. It's better to launch the script on a hard drive partition instead.

2.5. Advanced .conf file tricks 

The MetaModule .conf does not necessarily consist of more than one package. The sample emacs.conf file http://live-developers.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/live-developers/meta/MetaModule/trunk/emacs.conf?view=markup demonstrates this.

If you use 'tgz2lzm' to build a emacs module, you will get this warning whenever you start emacs:

Warning: Lisp directory `/usr/share/emacs/21.4/leim' does not exist.

The single-package emacs.conf sample file demonstrates how to avoid such nuisances. With the help of the script and .conf file, the pre/post_build() function in the .conf file to be exact, you can do all the tweaking you like. For example, you can strip the module of documentation, headers, locale files, etc. This kind of tweaking is best done on a module-by-module basis.

Here is a copy of the emacs.conf sample file:

# list package(s) for the module line by line in PKGLIST

# To curb: "Warning: Lisp directory `/usr/share/emacs/21.4/leim' does not exist"

function post_build() {
  mkdir -p $ROOTDIR/usr/share/emacs/21.4/leim
Note Have you noticed that PKGLIST is specified as 'e/emacs-2' instead of 'e/emacs'? That's the trick to make sure it will pick the unique package that you want, instead of a bunch of other ones. This is what you will get if you use 'e/emacs' instead:
[metabuild] pkg: e/emacs, file: ./slackware/e/emacs-21.4a-i486-3.tgz
basename: extra operand `./slackware/e/emacs-leim-21.4-noarch-1.tgz'
Try `basename --help' for more information.
[metabuild] error: Error in the .conf file at line 'e/emacs'.
Make sure only one package can be selected from it.
Tip Please don't expect the script to be idiot-proof, and be ready to look under the hood if things breaks down. One tip for a smoother ride: try the given examples first will give you an easier start.

2.6. Multiple repositories support 

Since metabuild-1.3, it is possible to use multiple repositories. It is not fully automatic yet, but as long as you have downloaded the supporting packages in '$_opt_cache', it will work fine. Here is an example building mplayer module from the slacky.eu repository.

% metabuild -v --tag='xpt' 800_multimedia-base-video.conf

21:14:56 [metabuild] Building the module as '800_multimedia-base-video-1.0-xpt.lzm'

21:14:56 [metabuild] Downloading package(s). This might take a while...

21:14:56 [metabuild] pkg: arts-, file:
21:14:56 [metabuild] warning: Package 'arts-' not found.

21:14:56 [metabuild] pkg: /sdl-, file:
21:14:56 [metabuild] warning: Package '/sdl-' not found.

21:14:56 [metabuild] pkg: mesa-, file:
21:14:56 [metabuild] warning: Package 'mesa-' not found.

21:14:56 [metabuild] pkg: /jack-, file: ./multimedia/jack-audio/0.109.2/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.109.2-i486-1sl.tgz

21:14:56 [metabuild] Downloading './multimedia/jack-audio/0.109.2/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.109.2-i486-1sl.tgz '
--2008-06-24 21:14:57--  http://slacky.uglyplace.org/repository/slackware-12.0/multimedia/jack-audio/0.109.2/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.109.2-i486-1sl.tgz[]

21:14:58 [metabuild] pkg: /mplayer-, file: ./multimedia/mplayer/1.0rc2try1/mplayer-1.0rc2try1-i686-1sl.tgz

21:14:59 [metabuild] Already have package './multimedia/mplayer/1.0rc2try1/mplayer-1.0rc2try1-i686-1sl.tgz '

21:14:59 [metabuild] pkg: mplayerplug-in, file: ./multimedia/mplayerplug-in/3.50mplayerplug-in-3.50-i486-1sl.tgz

21:14:59 [metabuild] Already have package './multimedia/mplayerplug-in/3.50/mplayerplug-in-3.50-i486-1sl.tgz '

21:14:59 [metabuild] pkg: flash-player-plugin-9.0.1, file: ./system/flash-player/

21:14:59 [metabuild] Already have package './system/flash-player/ '

21:14:59 [metabuild] Installing package(s) to the build directory...

21:15:00 [metabuild] Package 'arts-' not found in 'packages.lst' file. Looking into local cache 'pkgs.slacky/' instead.

21:15:00 [metabuild] ROOT=/tmp/build installpkg pkgs.slacky/arts-1.5.9-i486-2.tgz
Installing package arts-1.5.9-i486-2...

21:15:05 [metabuild] Package '/sdl-' not found in 'packages.lst' file. Looking into local cache 'pkgs.slacky/' instead.

21:15:05 [metabuild] ROOT=/tmp/build installpkg pkgs.slacky/sdl-1.2.13-i486-2.tgz

21:15:08 [metabuild] Package 'mesa-' not found in 'packages.lst' file. Looking into local cache 'pkgs.slacky/' instead.

21:15:08 [metabuild] ROOT=/tmp/build installpkg pkgs.slacky/mesa-7.0.2-i486-1.tgz

21:15:20 [metabuild] ROOT=/tmp/build installpkg pkgs.slacky/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.109.2-i486-1sl.tgz


Here is the conf file at its early stage:

# -*- shell-script -*-


# /qt-3

2.7. Using slapt-get 

To use slapt-get, the following command will make it easier for you to configure your slapt-get from your metabuild configuration file.

source ~/.metabuild.ini
echo "SOURCE=$_opt_mirror/$_opt_release/" | tee -a /etc/slapt-get/slapt-getrc

I actually download all packages via slapt-get, them symlink them into my cache directory:

source ~/.metabuild.ini
find /var/slapt-get/goblinx -iname *tgz -print
ln -sf `!!` $_opt_cache

The advantage of using slapt-get is that you can make sure all dependencies are included in the metabuild configuration file. The advantage of using GoblinX is that its slapt-get repository includes default Slackware packages, and has their dependencies information as well. So slapt-get can do dependency check even for default Slackware packages. Further, GoblinX repository has more packages than Slackware default.

3. Installation 

3.1. Where to get it 


Specifically, https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=204283&package_id=247717

3.2. Install 

  1. Unpack

  2. Issue

    make install

3.3. How to get the latest version 

You are encouraged to check out svn directly, as the script will not have continuous formal stable releases, since developers constantly concentrate on further development and bug patching. The sourceforge packages would be released far apart.

Please check http://xpt.sourceforge.net/techdocs/vc/svn/svn03-SubversionSetup/index.html#linux_live_developers_central_svn_setup

on how to access the 'linux-live developers' svn repository.

If you don't want to bother with svn, then you can download the latest code as shown by this file:

Makefile, README,

metabuild, metabuild.clp, metabuild.hlp, metabuild.inc, metabuild.ini.

4. ToDo